Thursday, September 17, 2020

Γεια σας από την Ελλάδα

 COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 23

Γεια σας από την Ελλάδα!! (Hello from Greece!!)

After a 13 hour flight to Paris, and another 5 hour hop, we finally landed uneventfully in El. Venizelos International here in Athens.  We broke the clouds from the heavens of Olympus to be greeted by the majestic Acropolis just as lady Liberty does back home. Exiting the plane, I expected to pull up to Fraternity and Sorority row, with alphabets that make up my college math book, but sadly, everything is in English.  Without even caring for our luggage or getting a SIM card, we dashed toward the airport cafe and enjoyed a cup of overpriced, watered down Greek Coffee. Hmmm... nothing like washing down the crunchiness of the grounds with the nectar of the gods. 

Customs and Security was simple. They probably think we’re Japanese tourists and knew we were good for spending money on frivolous things (like overpriced coffee).  And yes... there was an airport Starbucks, very American looking. Greeks are fascinating. You have the one or two stereotypical types in mind, but this is a fascinating race with some of the greatest mixture of hair color, skin tone, eye hue, and facial structure. Common to anything and everything superficial, they all had the same smile and sparkle.

We got our luggage and started hunting down our resort shuttle. This is the worst part of any trip.. getting to your final destination when dozens of folks are screaming at you and waving pamphlets of tour busses, limos and horse drawn chariots driven by men in togas (no kidding). For some odd reason, we started following a few other American couples. In a strange and far away land... you naturally band together in hopes of survival.

How we finally met Adonis, I don’t know, but I haven’t felt so safe to be in Toyota Sienna since the time our car broke down on Hwy 5 and Zemmi rescued us from starvation and sun exhaustion. 2 of the other couples found a neighboring Sienna and were off to see who gets to the hotel check in line first. 

The sun was still shying behind the morning clouds... but you can tell the city was waking up with so many buses and cars starting to pile into the highway - full of kids and backpacks nonetheless. Adias and Under Armor the apparent style of choice. Maybe Nikes left town once Phil Knight famously moved his factory east ward to save a few pennies.

You can tell we’re approaching the luxurious, vacation spots in town as the gradual climb gave way to palm trees, Alfa Romeos and Maseratis.  I think I saw a Mercedes E Class.. and out jumped what looked like a gardener and his crew. Geez....

We lost the race to our fellow Americans and had to wait to check in. Katina hands our luggage to the bell service and immediately usher us to the lounge.  Line?! What line!!! If this resort were a temple... we were now going to pay our respects to Dionysus. We didn’t even have brunch yet and she’s pouring us a glass of fine local Greek wine. Along with some pita bread and hummus... we had our first official meal in Olympus. 

Katina is everything you would expect from a Greek goddess. Hair tied back, olive skin, a strong determined jaw bone, balanced out by the gentle curves of a decathlete. Oddly... she spoke with an English accent. New Zealand is where she grew up, having immigrated there as a kid and coming “home” after college to immerse in the culture.  She’s barely 25.... the world is her oyster... her goal is to build up her resume so she can join the Disney Cruise and really go see the world. (Silly kid...)

I was doing well paying respects to Dionysus as I’m on my third glass, when Alexandros strolls by with our package and itinerary. For some reason, he reminds me of a blond Jimmy G... With much regret, we bid αντιο σας to Katina and we’re whipped into hallways after hallways of statues and fresco painting.  Screw the Athenian Museum, there was more here than we can possibly take in with 3 months, let alone 3 days.

We arrive in our rooms... or shall I say... my little townhouse. We were greeted by a big banner that says “Happy 15 Year Anniversary.” Heh... Katina got my message. Gotta remember to tip her later.  Then I noticed instant Greek coffee that has an odd semblance of Folgers. And next to it, a six pack of Mythos. I felt the need to pay my respects to the Greek god of beer. Maybe later.  Turns out Alexandros will be our personnel guide / host during our stay here.  He’ll get us to where we need to go... and if need be... come along with us to make sure we find the best deals... if anything, bring some business to his Uncle Yiannis.  Joyce is a little tipsy at this point, with a 20 hr flight and several glasses of wine. We decide it’s time to unpack, unwind, and lie down for a bit before heading out to the Acropolis and Temple of Zeus.  Not before, of course, we head down to the Athens street market where we can get some gyros and kebabs. Ha!!!

My mouth is watering just thinking about it. So I’ll stop here... will pick up later after our tour and we make it back in time for our Athenian Volcanic Ash Mud Bath and Massage. Ohhhh yeahhhh....

(Sigh... if only COVID never happened)

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