Thursday, September 10, 2020

Leave nothing on the table

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 18

NN has her first official audition tomorrow.  In the past, her "auditions" have pretty much been hand-waving or rubber stamping to gain some experience.  This time it's for real... but she's NOT taking it for real.   

Her excuse is... she doesn't want the limelight.  She's content being in the ensemble.  Her semi-real reason... is if she tries and fails... Mommy and I will be disappointed.  Course... that's a load of bull.  Her real-real reason is... if she tries and fails... then she's a failure.  Aye.. so instead of failing... she opts for the "You can't fail if you never try" mentality.  

Why?? Gotta give it your all... or you'll always be wondering... what if I tried just a bit harder???  

Leave nothing on the table... and walk away a champion. No? Too harsh? Too tiger-dad? 

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