Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All of Jesus For all the World

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 77

Once again... my turn to lead Prayer Meeting.  I already skimped out last week due to the uncertainty of the election, to which Amy C-mo gracefully swapped with me.  And the timing was divine.  Had I led on the day after the election... I would've been a mess.  But given that extra week allowed me to refocus on what really matters, "All of Jesus, for all the world."  

Heaven and earth will fade... but his Kingdom is everlasting.  Yes - Biden/Harris were declared the winner on Saturday.  But it was really Mission Conference Sunday that solidified where my heart ought to lie and where my eyes need to focus, Jesus. 

Tonight's Prayer Meeting was ground breaking.  I don't think the other Prayer Meeting leaders would dare to dance like I did and make a fool of themselves.  Not only that... I was able to convince SW and NN to dance with me... live... over Zoom.  And what I really tried to cement and drive home... that in the midst of this tumult, this storm, this nightmare... there is one thing that we need to do.... and that is turn our eyes upon Jesus. 






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