Sunday, November 22, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 88

Part 2 of our church's Love Box distribution and I was headed up to the city for my two targets and mom and dad.  The night before... I call dad and ask him if he needs anything... toilet paper... meat... etc... And not surprisingly...he says "Nah... I'm good."  But surprisingly.. he says, "你只要帶比我愛." Dad is not the sentimental type... and in almost 40 years of my cognitive being... he's never said anything like that.

After our mission was done...and we were heading home... Get a text from Keno that Stella's mom also accepted Christ!! PTL!!  Years of prayer... and all it took was a simple question.  "易過食生菜" as Keno describes it.  I quickly congratulated Stella...who was Facetiming with Siu during the Repentance Prayer... and she was so emotional... tears of joy flooded her.  I know that feeling too well.  Too too well... 

Thank you Jesus!! 

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