Friday, November 13, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 79

Last night... NN and Joyce got into it again.  NN was on the verge of another breakdown cuz of Chinese school.  And I can't blame her.  She simply doesn't speak it... how can she possibly 造句 or 作文???

So I quickly sought for reinforcements in the form of Rebekah 姐姐.  She's in college now... and she is regretting the days she shunned mom and dad who tried to have her learn Chinese.  Now that she's past her prime of learning a language, she spends every day learning one new character.  

I set up a little conference for NN an Rebekah.  Hoping she can impart some life lessons on her.  And they went on for hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To a point where I had to shut them down....  but at the very end... NN came to me and said, "I'll continue with Chinese school."

I really have low expectations for her.  She doesn't have to score 100% every time.  My expectation is for her to understand 50% when someone speaks.  When reading 10 words... she recognizes half.  And realistically... be able to spread the gospel in Chinese.  That's really the whole reason why we want her to learn Chinese....will she do it??

Maybe Rebekah 姐姐 can answer that for us. She did text me later... saying “NN is the type of kid that’ll get things done. If not now, she’ll do it later. Just chill, dad.”

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