Thursday, November 19, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 85

Parent Teacher Conference today for SW.  We got his report card last night and everything was as expected.  I is what it is with distance learning.  But when it came time to cite areas of improvement... the only thing the teacher can muster up was... you can improve on your punctuation and learn when not to use commas.  (That's it?!?!)  Our son isn't that good... I bet she just hasn't had enough time to observe SW.  

What rang like a gong though... was when she said has a lot of leadership skills.  <SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH>  My son??? Leadership skills??? No way.  Laid back... chill to the grill... Ultra-Minimalist...  瀟瀟灑灑.... 與世無爭... but never would I imagine "leadership skills."  I guess either she doesn't know him well... or I'm the one that's not observing.  

Today... as we were driving to the library together.  He starts contemplating how 家姐 will start driving soon when she turns 16.  "I can't imagine 家姐 being 16.  I still remember when she was 7 - 8.  Before there was Google Hangouts.  Those were the good old days."  I see him in the rear view mirror staring off into the distance.... while I wipe off the tear trickling down my cheek.  

小華...... 深不可測.

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