Thursday, November 12, 2020

Executive Presence

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 78

Finished a training course on Executive Presence. Honestly... there was nothing I picked up from this. If anything... I can teach this class or at least write a book. On the 2nd day...they recorded us making a sales pitch and had everyone comment on us.  When I rewatched my video... I saw so many flaws.  Good!! Room for improvement.  But when everyone else commented... their comments were: “Flawless."  The only thing they can squeeze out was... maybe you can tone down on the content.  OMG... that's it??? 

What really floats my boat is...  when I am able to teach, coach, mentor someone and bring them to the next level.

As was the case this afternoon when KT gave a Brown Bag session on MBE.  Here was a guy who... 6 months ago... could only read off the charts and stutter while doing it.  6 months later... he owned the material.  He wasn't "flawless" by any stretch of the imagination.  But being where he is now...coming from where he was...that's teaching! that's coaching! that's managing!

That’s where I would want any accolades or compliments -Hank’s Legacy.

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