Saturday, November 14, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 80

I was legitimately ticked off at lunch today when I ran out of food... and I wasn't full. We bought.2 ramens and a katsu chicken curry. Joyce and the kids initially shared the 2 ramens... and I was left with the rice. But I "had" to save almost half of the rice for the kids. And before I knew it... all the food was gone.  Dang it... we're financially pretty stable.  Why can't we get another entree? Why are 4 people still sharing 3 entrees? 

Then at dinner... they barely touch their steak and taters cuz they're too full from lunch.  This gives me more than my fair share of beef (which is yummy).  And I was still hungry!  But geeeez... sometimes, it's tough being that ever giving dad who let's the family eat first and I get the scraps.  

Sigh... I'm such a horrible father.  And I only get to vent here in my own universe. 

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