Sunday, November 29, 2020


19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 93

I have a dear, dear sister who shall remain nameless.  But she is truly an angel.  The things she's done over the years... behind the scenes... out of love... is truly admirable.  She is one of the sweetest... nicest... *prettiest* and downright "I can't stand you for being so perfect!" kind of person.  She comes across as being very quiet... but she's one of the most outgoing person in the world.  She comes across as being shy... but she lights up any room and any party.  You think she's going to zig...and she'll probably zag.  It's not like she's solving poverty or finding the cure for cancer.  But it's her consistent selflessness and small acts of kindness.  And today... I was one of the many recipients of her act of love and kindness.  Ohhhhh CMC... can't you pass on some of yourself to the rest of the world??? We sorely need it right now. 

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