Sunday, November 15, 2020

Ice Ice Baby

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 81

As far back as I remember... mom taught us that whenever we order a drink from McDonalds, ask for "No ice." Ice takes up space and you get more bang for your buck without it.  

Whenever I get a milk tea or whatever from one of those tea places.... it's always "half ice" or "no ice."  

Recently, there's been some viral videos showing that if you pour a Tall Starbucks drink into a Venti cup of ice, it's the same as a Venti drink - except you only pay the price of a Tall. 

There are two times where you want to ice it up.  

One... is when you for sure get free refills.  The other time... is when you're drinking at home.  Like Gatorade or recently... I got a jug of Starbucks Peppermint Mocha.  NOW.... this is where the rules change.  Since you've already paid for your drink... you want to make it last as long as possible and get the most bang for your buck.  Even if it's watered down juice... watered down, flat soda.... and dare I say it... watered down whiskey.  Hmmm mmm...  

I'm a firm believer in pinching my pennies.  Here is a case where you can pinch from both ends of the stick.  Ice it up baby.... or shall I say... "Ice Ice Baby...."

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