Monday, November 02, 2020

Let it rip!!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 69

Neither of the kids grew up liking toys.  Not Barbies.  Not hotwheels.  Not transformers.  They're just not made that way.  Both of them love books.  NN loves arts and crafts.  SW loves sports.  They both are enamored with minecraft... to some extent.  But SW.... he has one toy that he loves... and coincidentally... I love - Beyblades.

I originally thought it was a stupid toy.  A spinning top that crashes into another in a stadium.  Plain and simple.  There's no skill to it.  It's just spinning it...and watching it go.

Boy was I wrong.  These are mechanical engineering marvels.  I still don't know how they're actually made and how a simple change in design can cause such a big difference.  You can customize your top... swap parts with other Beyblades.  Perfect your launch.  Learn your enemies' weaknesses and expose them.

For the past two weeks... I've been playing this childish game with SW.  And I can't stop playing with him.  Is it the toy? the game? the competition? Maybe... or is it the fact I have a "thing" with my son.  Where we can talk trash... sing... dance... tease... 

Mom went to HK and the one thing I wanted her to buy... was a Hong Kong beyblade.  When SW opened it... he loved it so much, he slept with it under his pillow.

SW bought a beyblade for his best friend's birthday.  He just so happens bought one for himself and bah-B.  *ahem* For "Bah-B."  But we wouldn't let him open it... unless he scored above 90 on his History test.  He was so excited... he emailed his teacher to get his score.  

We got enough Beyblades... I thought we can have a Beyblade tournament to declare the champion.  Days later... SW still can't stop talking about it.  

Tournament of Champions

Quarter Finals


For all the marbles....

Attack mode.  Defense mode.  Stamina mode.

Survival.  Knock-out. Burst finish.

Dads have many things with their sons.  Catching a ball.  Fixing a car. Collecting baseball cards.  Well... somehow, this is now our thing.  And I love every, single, moment, of it.  

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