Saturday, November 07, 2020

"We did it, Joe"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 73

Woke up Saturday morning to a bunch of texts.... "Biden Won."  Kids were jumping up and down.  They started singing songs from "Hamilton." 

It wasn't a surprise... it was just a matter of time.  Were all the states conspiring to announce together? Were the TV networks on a group chat? Where they playing chicken? 

Yesterday and the day before was surreal.  Watching GA flip... then PA... and NV and AZ widen their gaps.  Even got a call from a direct report at 10PM saying, "Dude..... 2000 votes."  Who calls their boss at 10PM at night??!?!?! 

Taking in the moment... letting it sink in....  what does this mean as an American?

Democracy wins.  Record turnout.  Every vote counts.

Joe Biden.  Lost 3 other presidential bids. Topped it off as Veep 4 years ago. Was into retirement in the midst of a family crisis. Battling his way out of Scanton making mountains of mistakes on the way. Ripe age of 77.  

Kamala Harris.  A minority.  A woman.  Black and Asian roots. Representing California.  Coming out of San Francisco. A child of Oakland.  Our very own.

Was texting Nita... "I'd love to hear your thoughts on a woman... a minority... securing this spot."  She wasn't crying... I started crying. 

The fate of the nation will actually fall on how the Senate will be decided come January 5th.  It can be 2 years of sweeping policy change.  Or 2 years of stalemate, compromises, government shutdowns and eventually... in 2022... GOP takes over the House.  1994 all over again.  (Ugh....)

Is it time to look ahead... or just enjoy this moment?  

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