Monday, November 30, 2020

Unmasking the Truth

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 94

Came across this ad-hoc experiment where someone decided to test out a series of face masks to check for their permeability.   Some coloring...  some glasses... a bunch of masks and voila.... 

And the results are in!!!!  As expected... that one country that makes a lot of cheap and fake stuff.... FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Right away... the floodgates were opened.  Wasn't even worth a sneeze.  (get it?) 
The next one to fail... surprisingly... is a neighbor of that country.  The result.... how shall I say it... crash landed on me!!! (heh... )

For more results... go run your own experiment.  Back to you regularly scheduled program.  

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