Saturday, April 04, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 22

For the past week... I've been utterly obsessed and addicted to untangling a ball of yarn.  That's right... a friggin ball of yarn!!

There were times I thought about the bible verse, it's harder for a camel to go through a needle's eye, cuz that's definitely how it felt.  There were loops that were so small... so tight... I couldn't pull and yank.

There were times the pieces of yarn were stripped and all there was left were bare string!!!  And when the bare strings get tied together it's nearly impossible to untie.

There were times I wondered if I was pulling it to emancipate? or pulling to further incarcerate.

There were times I needed to stretch out the different arms and legs of the star... to which I used my knees, my feet. and even my toes to keep things straight.

My eyes were out of focus.  My neck was stiff.  My back was hurting. My finger nails were aching.

Tuesday night / Wednesday morning... I was up till 4AM.
Wednesday night... I was up till 12.
Thursday night... I was too tired and gave up around 11.
Friday night... I didn't sleep at all.  Even though I promised Joyce I wouldn't work on it.  I had Netflix on in the background and just kept tugging, unraveling, picking, pulling.  Before I knew it... the sky went from black to blue.  I started to hear birds chirping.  Friday came and went... it was Saturday.

I knew I was gonna get in trouble... so around 6:50AM, I snuck back into bed before the kids woke up.  I initially was gonna take a 45 minute nap.  Ended up waking up around 11:30.  Boy was I tired....

And what did I do when I woke up??? Made lunch.... and then went back at it.  Hahaha... I even hired NN to be a partner cuz my knees and toes just weren't enough to spread things out.  And then.... at around 2PM... this adventure that I set out on that unassuming Tuesday night... came to an end.  How dumb can I get????  HA!!

Well well well... look what we have here... 

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