Thursday, January 07, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 129

We all knew Jan 6th will be a day of infamy.  But not like this.

We had all hoped for a peaceful transfer of power. We had prayed for a drama-free George Run-off.  We wished that people aren't doing things just for a political power pose in prepping for 2022 or 2024.  But it all happened.

The Rotunda, where we stood not more than 2 years ago, with statues honoring the likes of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, was desecrated today by domestic terrorists.  And all those hooligans... walked in to the capitol freely and walked out freely.  Where is justice?  Where is democracy? Where is civility? 

The joint session was delayed.  Then delayed again for objections.  I was hoping the kids can stay up for "270" but Pennsylvania happened.  2 hours later... after a colorful display of speech-reading, Congress got back together.  Ironically... it was Vermont.  The tiny little state that was first declared for Biden on Election Night, that pushed him over the hump.  

I'm tired.  I'm sad.  I wept.  Yet... there is hope.  Not in Biden.  Not in Kamala.  Not in the Democratic Congress.  I have hope in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  

God, bless America. 

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