Saturday, January 09, 2021

The student is greater than the master

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 131

Regardless of badminton... Super Smash Brothers... or Beyblades... I can't beat SW anymore.  He's faster... more agile... thinks quicker... reacts quicker.  Watching my son grow up so fast... so soon.  While my body slowly dies away.  

There was an odd moment tonight though... were I just stared at him for a good minute.  And he stared back.  He probably thought it was a blinking contest (or don't blink contest).  In actuality.. I was trying to see... who is this boy that's grown up so fast? He's my flesh and blood... but in a surreal way... I actually didn't know who I was staring at.  

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