Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cancel Culture

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 149

It's been reported that the San Francisco Board of Education voted to rename a number of schools that bore names of "American Heroes" that have a checkered past. George Washington is no longer the Founding Father... but the 1st President who was a slave owner. Abraham Lincoln, the man who literally freed slavery treated Indigenous People unfairly. Senator Diane Feinstein, a woman who pioneered the breakage of the glass ceiling, chose to raise the Confederate Flag at a Government Building of her hometown San Francisco. What are we teaching our children? That no one is exempted? What are we teaching our children about perfection? About forgiveness.

Ironically... I brought this up in a training session with a bunch of other leaders at work. Stating that societal forces are changing our work... our future. Hours later... I realized that there was an African American person in that group. I wonder what she was thinking when I made those remarks.

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