Tuesday, January 12, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 134

At the checkout line... as the cashier was ringing me up... I screamed, "Wait! Stop." I realized I didn't have my wallet with me.  The dude was cool... he'll finish ringing me up and keep the cart on the side.  

So I ran to my car... and sped through the parking lot while heading home to grab my wallet.  Came to a screeching halt and busted a you-ey when I realized... I have my phone!! I have Apple Pay!!

Ran back in.... asked if they accepted Apple Pay.  Which they did.

They pulled my receipt, rang me up and darn it..... I didn't have enough Apple Cash!!!  Was about $20 short.

So I rushed back out... and was about to jump in my car when.... wait a minute... I can borrow $20 Apple Cash from someone!!!  But who....??  

It was around 4:30.... Hody is still working.  Can't call her.  Called Geoff.... no answer.  (Jerk! What if I had a real emergency!!)  Called Big Bro... he doesn't use Apple Pay.  Probably an Alipay user.  Then I called my monument... he who shall never move (or be moved).... Andersen.

Heh... got my $20.  Ran back in.... and waited in line for 15 minutes cuz someone was buying a money order!! 

Anyhoo... what a world we live in.  And China... on top of WeChat and AliPay are gonna pilot digital currency.  Why not??? This is the 21st year of the 21st century, afterall.

Oh...btw... both Anderson and Joyce schooled me later that I should link Apple Pay to my credit card.  Duh....

Heh... technology.... 

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