Friday, January 29, 2021

Power of Words

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 151

Dreamnt of a VP last night. We were at some professional gathering and I saw with him and a bunch of folks from work. As he got up to leave... he came back and put his hand on my shoulder. He asked me, "Hank... what do you think will be the last words said before the world comes to an end?"

Without missing a beat... (in my dream), I said that, "There is a dichomoty of everything. The Yin to the Yang. The Good to the Bad. The Black to the White. And since the first words spoke upon the creation is 'Light' (Gen 1:3), the last word to be said will be 'Dark.' "

Dang... I woke up and even I was impressed with myself.  HA! 

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