Friday, January 08, 2021

Still reeling

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 130

2 days after the storming of the Capitol.... and I'm still reeling.  The news is showing that one by one... the stormers of the Capitol are being arrested and charged.  Why they didn't arrest them on the spot... I have no idea.  Laptops were stolen from the Capitol.  DC is downplaying this... but what kind of data were stored in there? Hawley..  the bold senator from Missouri who objected to the Electoral College votes lost a book deal and is being asked to resign.  Of course... 50% of America is making him into a hero. Facebook and IG has suspended Trump's account.  Twitter has permanently banned him.  And what does Trump do...? He Tweets from the @POTUS account... continuing to incite division.  Talks of impeachment and 25th Amendment is all over the place. I doubt either will happen... nor do I think it should at this moment in time.  But our government has surprised us before.

America needs healing. Healing isn't passive, it's active.  We need to move forward as a country to a better place.  We mustn't look forward to Jan 20th - the Inauguration.  It's not in Biden or Harris we trust.  Healing can start any moment.  It can start now.  

Will you get down on your knees and pray with me?

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