Saturday, January 23, 2021

Order to Go

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 145

A dear friend of ours, his wife and his son came down with COVID.  As a church family... we banded together to deliver them meals. When I saw sign up list... I jumped on right away.  This family has selflessly served so many people over the years.  Their children have been a constant in Children and Youth ministries.  They're a pillar of our church.  It's the least I can do.  

Heh... after I signed up... I started wondering.... will they see my name and go, "Uhhhh..... can we have some real chefs sign up please???"  Heh...

I put a lot of thought into it.  I even sampled the food along the way to ensure it was palatable.  I never do that for the fam.... I just cook and they get what they get.  It was an honor to serve this family.  I dropped off the Order to Go, busted a U and was headed home when the dad came out to wave.  So nice seeing my brother in Christ.  

And as I was heading home I realized... wait... I forgot to make rice!!!  They have a bunch of food and dessert... but they'll have to make rice and wait another 30-45 minutes.  Oops!! Rookie mistake. 

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