Sunday, January 10, 2021

I sleep at the same time

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 132

One week long... one week strong.  33 more days to go.

I'm still amazed... every night... we have consistently 4-5 families that join.  We encountered our first trials on Friday and Saturday nights... when some families are busy.  I was especially nervous on Saturday when it was just me and Kit-Yuk.  But y'know... when it was just me and Stan... or just me and Joshua on FOTA... we prayed fervently for an hour.  

Kinda cool that Ken shared tonight... that initially... he didn't reply to my email because he was in disbelief.  And he was trying to find a way to say no.  Thank goodness he didn't... because this test of faith is for more than just me.  He goes on to say that... every night, for the past 7 days, he still sleeps at the same time.  He still gets the same things done.  So he starts wondering... if he didn't pray for those 20 minutes... where would that time have gone?

The novelty has worn off.  Now's the time to really see who's in this for the long haul.  

One week long... one week strong.  33 more days to go.  

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