Sunday, January 03, 2021

Of such little faith...

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 125

Church kicked off a 40 day prayer journey today and I had the whim to start a 40 day (night) Prayer Altar.  I asked a few people to co-lead this with me... got 2 response.  The other people aren't responding cuz they're too busy? (it's vacation...and the weekend) or they didn't see it? Can't they even give me the courtesy of a "No?"  A no response means what?

At 7:30PM, Ken sent out a text reminding everyone about this.  Good... Ken and Hody were gonna show up.  Around 8:25PM... I started getting nervous. What if it's just me? Sigh... 

8:28PM - I log in and started playing background music.  Joyce is at the couch playing with her phone.  

Tic-toc, tic-toc... 

8:29PM.  At the very least.. I can pray by myself.  That's what Jesus did for 40 days and 40 nights.

Tic-toc... tic-toc...

8:30PM.  Joyce walks around getting water.  She'll join me... I guess.  

Tic-toc... tic-toc....

8:31PM.  Joyce sits down.  I look at her and shake my head.  Sigh.... Husband and wife prayer altar.  That's a beautiful thing.

Tic-toc... tic-toc....

8:32PM.  Two minutes... people are normally 4-5 minutes late.  This is normal.  Ken and Hody will show up.  They always do.  

Tic-toc... tic-toc....

8:33PM.  I click on the participants list... "Henry (Host)".  Sigh.... Just another one of my crazy ideas.  People are busy.  They're putting their kids to sleep.  They're bathing their kids.  They're eating.  People have a routine.  I think to myself... should I have polled everyone?? Should I have gotten a majority to agree on the time??


8:34PM.  *BING*  Joyce gets a text.  Then another. Then another.  "They can't get in."  

CRAP!! I did it again.  Must've sent out the wrong link.  Hate doing that.  Then I get screenshots.  Then I get a text saying the link in Whatsapp is different than in the email (People read the email?!?!?)  

Tic-toc... Tic-toc.... 

8:35PM.  Re-sent new link.  Didn't know what happened... got 5 families online!! With a 6th struggling, but joining.  

Started late.  Ended late.  I hate being late.  I hate going long.  I hate breaking my promise of "15-20 minutes."  Was about to cut it short after 2 rounds... but not tonight.  Not the first night.  Not when the Holy Spirit is saying... "It's worth it.  I'm worth it."  

Final round of prayers... I started weeping.  One by one, we declared our sonship and daughtership.  And as I wrapped it up... my voice started to crack.  Ohhhhh... of such little faith.  Eden Fellowship.  We may seem disjointed.  Dis-interested.  Dis-combobulated.  But Eden... are all children of God.  


39 nine days to go.  Will we finish our journey??? 

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