Tuesday, March 26, 2019

When does life start getting so complicated (Revisited)

Another continuation of a previous post..  this one goes back to 2012, when I first started complaining about folding laundry.

Not only do I have to deal with a dozen different piles, when I still only have my 3 piles of boxers, undershirts and socks, but the fact that everyone in this family flips their clothes when putting it in the hamper!  It comes out from the dryer... not only do I have to fold it, I have to flip it backside up.  So tell me, how does the laundry even clean these clothes if it's flipped!?!

I even made an [empty] threat that I won't flip the clothes anymore.  If they like to flip it for the wash, they can reflip it when they wear their clothes. Course, I won't do that.  I love my family too much.

Mood: flippant

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