Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Crux of the Matter

Few days ago... one of my bestest friends in the world sent me a text....
Ever feel like you are in a funk or just going through the motions of living? Not sure what is going on with me but I realize I am not really excited about anything
A completely valid question - especially around our age.  Where I sometimes find myself looking in the mirror and reflecting, "This is the best I'm ever gonna look, I'm ever gonna feel, I'm ever gonna do... and it ain't that great.?"  (City Slickers - Billy Crystal) Not trying to over-analyze or jump to providing solutions - I throw the idea that maybe it's menopause -- which she's too young for.  So maybe pre-nopause? Is there such a thing?  We go back and forth, on and on.... and then she launches with:
My question is why keep trying. Why keep living? It's not like I want to die but if I am unable to find happiness or joy then what is the reason for going on?
We attempt to explore those answers with her... from a completely and genuinely secular way.  I live for my children (an easy answer that's actually very dangerous).  I live so I can enjoy life (when does the fun stop?) I live so I can accomplish my next set of goals (Project 21 - which I have yet to publish).   At one point in our conversation, I made a jump into declaring my faith.... where I stated (and I state here again), I am a son of the living God, redeemed and saved by my personal Savior Jesus Christ and I am here to worship Him and bring glory to Him.  

The two biggest questions we [humans] have to answer are, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" For those who don't have answers... how can I help you????

Mood: puzzled and concerned

Monday, January 28, 2019

A new name

D. Lui was preaching this Sunday on the nation of Israel being given a new name after their exile.
"No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married." Isaiah 62:4
A person's name is so important to the core of their very being.  There's a Chinese idiom that says, "唔怕生壞命, 至怕改壞名."  So many misconstrued names, probably by accident, than can ruin a person's life. (Not gonna get into it here).  But in the bible, we see multiple instances of names that were changed... like Abraham from Abram.  Like Sarah from Sarai.  Like Israel from Jacob.  Like Peter from Simon.  Changing the name, according to D. Lui, isn't giving up your identity, but like the nation of Israel, it's to reclaim what was properly and initially given to you. 

And in closing... D. Lui asked us to pray for God to reveal our "new" name.  During my time of mediation and prayer... the name that I received was................ "Romeo."  

(It doesn't say it in the bible, but I truly, truly think God has a sense of humor).

Mood: Romantic

Friday, January 25, 2019


After 35 days of partial federal shutdown, the Donald supposedly backs down and temporarily reopens the government without getting his $6B wall. CNN labels it as the "Beginning of the end" for his administration and "Trump lost and Pelosi Won." Ann "Why-am-I-even-giving-her-any-space-on-my-blog" Coulter tweets George Sr. is no longer "the biggest wimp" to serve as president.  I hope Pelosi and the DNC sees this.  Come Feb 15th... they (we) better be ready to parry the counterattack and the counter to our counter attack.  Just cuz he's retreating (now)... it can only mean he'll be firing back and advancing with more fury than ever. 

“To retreat is to advance” - supposedly from The Art of War, but not really. (HA!) A strategy used in life.. in career.. in sports.. and politics!!

Mood: worried... cuz I'll be traveling in early March!! AH!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Testing of the Fleece

People ask... "How do you know God is telling you something?"  Or ask in a different way, "How do you know something is from God?" Ask 10 main-stream Christians and you'll probably get the same / similar list of modal answers.
  1. Biblical Confirmation
  2. Common Sense
  3. Personal Desire
  4. Environmental Allowance
  5. Spiritual Authority Advisement
  6. Supernatural Signs
  7. Be at Peace
Earlier this year... PAL levied a new commission on me.  新的方向, 新的異象, 新的使命. I've been lackadaisical on executing on this commission.  Partly because I'm doubting if it's for me.  Well... go through the list of 7-things on top and one by one... I'm starting to put check marks by them.  Uh-oh....

Tonight at Prayer Meeting, I had no intentions on bringing this up.  But it just so happens I was grouped with a bunch of sisters whom I don't normally pray with... and this new commission came up as a prayer item.  Other than myself... I hadn't asked anyone to pray with me on this topic.  And tonight... I have 3 other prayer warriors praying???  Coincident????  

Ohhh.... and how about this.  I've casually brought this commission up with 4 other families... thinking we can start forming a Core Team to start brainstorming, start fasting and praying.  And all 4 of those families have given me, not just a NO, but a HECK NO!!!  Which is fine.... Until I realized tonight... that earlier this week, I met a man who is a "Gideon."  

How did "Gideon" find his army?? As the story goes... the Lord helped him pick up 300 men from the way they drank water. Not how Gideon originally formed his army, no-no. Now.... is this what the Lord has intended for me?? That the "team" that I want to form, isn't the team that HE wants to form?? So it comes down to item #6. Tonight's Prayer Meeting was already pretty supernatural. But dare I ask God for a sign, like Gideon asked, when he tested God with the wool fleece????

The scary thing is two fold. One... testing God. Dare I even think about doing that???? When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, He said, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” I don't want to take that out of context. But the scarier thing is... if God DOES give me that supernatural sign, am I going to accept it???

Mood: moody

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

When the tables are turned...

Not so long ago... SW was the one who didn't have many friends and during recess or after school, he'd be wanting to play with NN and her friends.  And of course, as most older siblings, they don't want their pesky little brother/sister bothering them.  So I witnessed many months and years of a sad little boy playing by himself... or Bah-B would end up playing with him.

Boy have the tables turned...

Today we stayed after school to play.  SW had his group of friends stay with him and they're off doing their imagination games.  Soon after, I see a pouting, sad NN come walk towards me saying she wants to go home.  She's so angry, she's on the verge of tears.  After some prodding... it turns out that SW and his friends were "rude" to her and didn't let her know what they were playing.  So she went back in the car and said she wanted to go home.

I always strive to be fair and equal to both...even if they're 2 years apart.  So when I didn't force NN to play with SW, I wasn't going to force SW to play with NN either.  NN is old enough to decide if she wants to play...or sit in the car.  I ain't gonna push.  So after 5 minutes... she went back out to play.. but this time, it was she who played by herself.

You never want your kid to be THAT kid... when all the other kids are playing one thing or another, and your kid doesn't fit in.  It was heart breaking seeing NN playing the monkey bars by herself, cuz all the other girls were doing gymnastics and flips on the other bars.  NN didn't fit in. 
Ah wellz... such is life. 

After about 10 minutes... NN got bored of playing by herself and came back in the car.  I sat there with her for another 10 minutes and finally got SW to leave.  Before I even approached him, he knew he was in trouble.  I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends, so I made a little "Come here" motion and said, "We gotta go."  Little punk never does this... but he walked with two hands in his pockets like he was James Dean!!  Where'd he learn that?!?!?

I simply asked... "你有冇激嬲家姐?" 
He said, "Yes... but...."
I didn't even let him explain, I simply said, "你氹返佢啦。"  That was it... no yelling, no screaming, no judging.  Just telling him what he needs to do. 

And the ensuing conversation was priceless...side splitting... tear jerking.  My lips were bleeding cuz I was biting them so hard to try not to laff.

NN: "I thought you cared about me."
SW: "I do."
NN: "I thought you loved me.  Now I know the real you."
SW: "I do love you."

What was I listening to?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

Oh.... and 5 minutes later, we got to the library, and everything was back to normal again.  No harm no foul.  Sometimes, the best parenting, is non-parenting.  Let them figure it out themselves.  BOOM!

Mood: wonderment 

Monday, January 21, 2019


In commemoration of National Hug Day... I thought I'd throw together a Hug-o-pedia.  Just a bunch of random thoughts I've collected over the years.  (To be revised)

Merriam Webster Dictionary defines hug, first and foremost as a verb.
hug verb\ ˈhəg \
1: to press tightly especially in the arms
2a: CONGRATULATEb: to hold fast : CHERISH (hugged his miseries like a sulky child)
3: to stay close (to the road hugs the river)
While that's true... my hug-o-pedia uses it as a noun, preceded by an adjective to classify the hug.  In general, hugs get less and less intimate as age progresses.  And hugs tend to be more intimate if there is a woman involved.  But two women hugging don't necessarily mean it's more intimate than a woman and a man. No no....

The Classic Hug - let's start with the baseline. A hug is when two parties spread out both of their arms, torso's come together to a point of physical contact and (in my experience) both parties right ears are close to each other; which means the left ear faces outside. Generally, the taller of the two has their arms around the shoulder of the shorter party, but not quite around their neck.  And the shorter of the two will have their arms anywhere between the person's waist and armpits.

The Bro Hug - Two men, who want to show affection beyond a handshake, which is too formal.  But aren't intimately involved where they want their torsos to come together.  So it's a combination of a handshake, only it's NOT a handshake, but the hands are clasped like an arm wrestling match where only the thumbs are criss-crossed.  This is very important because the linkage of the two hands serve as a medium of protection between the two bodies.  Both parties pull each other close to one another and their arms now naturally fold like chicken wings, but also double duties as the barrier between the two torsos.  Since we're a right hand dominant society, the right hands come together and the left hand and arm swings to the right shoulder blade of the opposite party.

The Man Hug - An evolution of the Bro Hug... only the crossed-hand barriers isn't quite necessary.  You will find this at events like family gatherings or church gatherings where some sort of intimacy is allowed and not frowned up.  Like the Classic Hug, both arms are free to wrap around the opposite party.  Only, the signature of a Man Hug is the infamous pat. "1-2-3" Three slaps on the other person's back.  This is a minor distraction from the hug... and it's a man's way of telling the other person, "I'm not 100% into just hugging alone.  I need to do something else with my hands and let you physically know they're busy."

The Side Hug - Used in a lot of professional environments, especially with parties of the opposite gender.  Or even in familial environments where it gets awkward to hug that 2nd cousin whom you rarely see, but is alas, your relative.  This hug consists of one party standing strategically to the side of the other party, maybe not 180 degrees side by side... but perhaps forming a 160 to 120 obtuse angle.  One party...probably the more extrovert of the two, will reach out ONE arm and stretch it to the back of the other party.  The other party has no choice but to lean in and reciprocate such an action.  However, angled line that has formed, is too wide for torsos to come together.

The Too Tall / Too Short Hug - Generally speaking this is a tall male, hugging a shorter female.  But it can go both ways, especially if there is an age difference.  The challenge of this hug is obviously the height difference, which by default, prevents any torso from being contacted.  Due to the awkward body contour, a side hug is rarely used here, but more of a classic hug.  The taller of the two will probably lean forward and bend down, but automatically pushes the torso away from the other party.  And the shorter of the two will reach up, which also automatically stretches the body to a point where torso contact is minimized.  Here, unlike the baseline, the arms can be completely opposite, where the shorter of the two will wrap their arms around the taller one. And the taller will their arms under the armpits and around the shoulder blades.  This can all be negated by the taller body kneeling or genuflecting.  Which can bring us back up to the classic hug.

The Bear Hug - This was first introduced to me when I started watching WWF wrestling and this was used by multiple wrestlers, most notably Hillbilly Jim.  A bear hug, in wrestling terms, is when you wrap your arms around your opponent's rib cage and you squeeze the living daylights out of them.  It exudes pain and it incapacitates you by preventing circulation of oxygen.  Now, we all know wrestling is fake (I know... I know... have a seat.)  So take away any and all mal-intent of the bear hug and replace it with genuine gratitude and/or exuberance and that's what you have.  This is usually reserved for people that are larger or bigger - hence the name "bear."  Smaller people can also have displays of the bear hug (see below), but in general, this is to describe someone who's larger than life, that can only be matched by his/her larger than life heart.  And they want more than anything to give you their entire being with an outpouring of genuine, physical kindness.  (while cracking a rib or two on the way).

The I don't like you...but I'm polite Hug - There are a couple of scenarios that can be played out here.  One - both parties know they don't like each other but will do it out of courtesy.  This is where you see two people extend their arms AND elbows out like they're ballroom dancing creating a giant void or bubble.  They come together, but only enough where their hands and perhaps their wrists are slightly around the other person's back and they give a gentle nudge of acknowledgement.  Then, as fast as they moved in, they move out 10 times as fast.  No harm no foul.
The other scenario is when one person THINKS they're going in for, perhaps, a Classic Hug.  But the other party isn't so much interested.  It's too late to turn to side-step for a side hug, and women generally don't do the crossing of the thumbs as a means of protection like the Bro Hug.  In this, the party that's not so much interested will get into T-rex stance.  T-rex, the king of the dinosaurs, are known for their massive jaw, gigantic tail and tiny little arms.  So when you're in a situation where you don't want to return a hug... QUICK - T-rex stance!!  Bring your elbows in and guard your body.  This provides a level of protection for your torso and your arms are automatically in front of you.  Now you have the option of keeping the arms up.... so you can place them strategically on the other party's shoulders/biceps.  Or you can lay them low, put your hands around the person's luv-handles and lower ribs.  Either way... you now have full leverage to push away! And with your elbows engaged to your own rib cage, if you're not strong enough to push THEM away, you will push yourself away and free both parties.  "Awkward!!"  Too late... What do you do?!?  Nothing... there's nothing you CAN do.  Just move on.

The Father / Daughter Hug - A daughter was, is and always will be Daddy's Little Girl and Daddy's Princess.  Don't care how young or how old.  That's just an age-old fact that will never change.  From the first time I laid eyes on you, to your first word, to your first lost tooth, to your first day of school, to your first day biking without training wheels, to your first pair of earrings, to your first date, to your first B+, to your first heartbreak, to the day you're baptized, to your announcement that you've found "the right guy", to "Daddy please stop crying I need you to walk me down the aisle now", to "Daddy, you're going to be a grandfather", to repeating the cycle with HER little princess. A daughter will always be the most precious thing in a father's life.  And the only way I hug my NN is with her arms over my shoulders, around my neck, and I'm hanging onto her like I held her the first day the nurse handed her to me.  If it were possible.... I would never let go.  =*(.

The Father / Son Hug - This one is tricky, because you ask any tweenage son and their dad about "hugs" and they'll give you puzzled look like you're speaking a foreign language.  However... there are a few exceptions.  Indeed... which is why this hug is strategically placed down here.  I need some of the aforementioned hugs to reference.  Father / Son's start out very much like Father / Daughter hugs.  Then somewhere around 7-8, those hugs evolve into playful bear hugs.  To a point where it's a competition who can out squeeze who.  And within a blink of an eye... those playful bear hugs aren't as playful anymore.  In fact, they're not cool anymore.  You may get an occasional side hug.  If you happen to be in the right position.  But more often than not, you won't be.  There will be years in between, where it'll be the No Hug, which is exactly like it sounds, no hugs.  Then eventually, you do turn the corner and the side hug comes back into play.  And with any luck, you may even evolve into the Man Hug (pat-pat-pat).  Don't feel sad though. No-no.  This is life.  And it's also a fact one must accept.  Cuz the other fact that is age-old is... at any Niners/Giants/Warriors/Shark game - anything I just wrote gets thrown out the window.

The {Placeholder} Hug - A new hug that's work in progress... not sure how quite to describe it.  But just to keep a placeholder for now. 

The Perfect Hug - It is my belief, there is one and only one perfect hug for each person.  For me...that person is my wife.  Our hugs were not always perfect.  Oh no... but over the years, as we lived together, grew together, morphed together.... I've found that our bodies are merging together.  To a point where when we hug, we fit into each other like a jig-saw puzzle.  Every little crevice, every little bump, every little odd shape part, was created so we can find each other and become one.  There is no better feeling than to hold or be held by that perfect person.

The Hug Above All Hugs - The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt)

Related image

Mood: warm

Sunday, January 20, 2019

忙, 亡, 望

Yet... another whirlwind weekend.  To which I'm wonder... how long can I keep this up??

Saturday morning started with a sleepless night, leading to our monthly bible class of Paul's Life and Letters.  To which I ended up skipping lunch - but got home in time to do some fix-up's around the house, then make a run to the bank to grab crispy-new cash for Chinese New Year.  I caught about 30 minutes of shut-eye... to wake up so I can drive to Fremont to pick dad up for his B-day dinner. (Why does he celebrate his Bday according to the Lunar Calendar!!! ARGH!!!)

Sped up to Fremont... and dad requested some coffee time. Boy was that coffee time special.  Our talk was short...but deep.  No longer was I talking to my dad as just his son... but I was his adult peer. Got home with dad...which allowed him to play mahjong with the kids for about 45 minutes.  Then we headed to his Bday dinner with Ah So and family.  Too bad big bro is in China...which otherwise would've made it a perfect dinner.  I then drove him back to the city...and then headed off to hang out with the Gonz.  A beautiful and precious couple of hours that can only be described as "priceless." 

Woke up Sunday morning... needing to rush to pick up mom and Clark for church.  Surprise surprise... as devout as a Catholic as mom is, she knows that a Protestant church is the place for her grandchild (and prayerfully, big bro and Ah So) to grow spiritually.  I didn't know what the afternoon was going to be like.  I had a triple-booked schedule.  But thankfully... the person we were suppose to visit and lunch with called to cancel (phew!).  Then after service, I ran around church with my head cut off.  I even had to skip out on a ministry meeting cuz I can use mom as an excuse.  Had the friend shown up...and I had mom to deal with... and I had the meeting, I would've literally collapsed.  Doing this... doing that... speaking to him... talking to her.  We left church shortly after noon to head to lunch.... and I was running sweating like I just came out of a sauna and was running on EMPTY.  

Lunch was difficult.  Waited 45 minutes for our seat.... to which I would've happily just gone to Subway for a $5 footlong.  During lunch... Charlie, as normal, was complaining about his lunch.  Then he started crying...which turned into balling.  I know he has trouble sitting and eating... but I've never seen him crying like this.  And then it happened... he started projectile vomiting.  Something he ate...or some bug was bothering him.  He threw up all over his clothes, the floor and grandpa's clothes.  Grace handled it with exactly what her name calls her out to be... grace.  Lunch ended up surprisingly peacefully after that.  Mom was being mom...and made the table feel like sh*t when she openly chastised the kids for watching the phone the entire time. Ah wellz... we all think it.  She's just tactless enough to say it.

After driving them home.... I finally got a few minutes of "rest" by shopping at Trader Joe's  The rest was shortlived.  I got home and started hanging out with the kids by watching the last 30 minutes of Shrek with them.  And I couldn't help but fall asleep.  Woke up and it was time to go on our double date.  We drove to the Yu's to drop the kids off.  And wasted an hour there waiting for their pizza to be delivered.  So inefficient!! Drives me nuts!!!

The Yu's and we proceeded to our double date of hot pot... followed by dessert at Chocomodo.  Got back to their place at 9PM...and our baby sitter threw us a huge curveball, by saying that instead of $15 an hour, she was going to charge us $15 / hour / child!!  She would've made out the evening making $240!!! was the wives who negotiated.  I would've ripped her head off had she done that to me.  

After another hour of hanging out... we got home.  Put the kids down...and I got to sit down and finish some training that was due today.  I log on at 11:01PM to see that the course is already overdue.  Darn it.... the due date is 11:59PM Mountain Time!!! 

Got done with my training, albeit late... and finally....finally.... I get to sit down to type this out.  As I type... I can only think of one thing...In spite of all this busyness... I didn't find more than 1 hour to spend time with the family.  FAIL.

And next Saturday is already projecting to be just as, if not more busy. 

Mood: physical and emotion collapse

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Gideon is a bible character who famously tested the Lord with the sheepskin. Then he went into battle with the 300 that the Lord selected for him... and he defeated the Amaelikes with torches and jars. Today... I met my first Gideon.

The big storm that hit us on Wednesday hit us harder than I realize. Chunks of fence I share with my next door neighbor got ripped apart!! I felt responsible to pay for the repairs even though it's a "shared fence." Whatever... money is one thing. I just want neighbors to be happy with each other.

To my surprise, the owner of the duplex, offered to "work with me." I didn't really have the heart to negotiate... but the conversation evolved from I get a quote and have it fixed, to me paying for material and he'll fix the fence... to me offering to help him rebuild the fence and him paying for half the cost of the material. For him... the material is a tax write-off. He's not in it for the money. And one thing led to another... and he asked, "Are you a Christian??"

Turns out he's a Gideon... which is a band of believers who's sole mission is to deliver the bible in any language to anyone who is willing to accept it. He handed me one of these Gideon Bibles - and it turns out I had one of these growing up in Chinatown. He then went as far as recruiting me to join in their which I politely declined by saying, "I'll pray about it."

This is a Silicon Valley retiree who collects rent that's easily $5-600 less than market value. He's not in it for the money... but the fact that he has happy tenants which makes him a happy owner. What brings him joy is the fact that he can still be part of the Great Commission, even at the ripe age of 80.

There are still these people out there. People who live their lives as the bible preaches. How I wish I can be like him (and his brethren), who live by faith and offer their lives, not as hypocrites, but to be the salt and light that Christ calls us out to be. Every little bit counts...

Mood: awestruck

Friday, January 18, 2019

Pay it Forward

Got this email from a former colleague..
I actually told my planner a long time ago that our CAM Hank took us to FAZ as an appreciation lunch. His mouth almost hit the floor, in shock of course.
FAZ is a pretty high end restaurant...and I paid out of my own pocket, not something the company will sponsor.  But it didn't matter.  It was a a simple gesture of gratitude in taking my team out to lunch.

My hope isn't for him to come back to thank me.  My hope is... he will carry on my tradition of showing gratitude to people around him.  My hope is... he can inspire others, just as people have once inspired me.

Mood: Proud

Thursday, January 17, 2019




廿年后、我仍不明白妳為何千揀萬揀會揀中我呢個爛燈盞。但我已漸漸學習不再問 "Why?",而是問: “What’s next?”

無言表達, 心中的感觸, 妳竟願意伴我飛翔, 廿載「情」.

Mood: Blessed

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Shaws-HANK Redemption

衰咗! 要由頭離過。 橫風橫雨, 落狗屎!! 

“Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of sh!t-smelling foulness I can't even imagine.” And at the end those 500 yards...  Andy Dufresne emerges from the sewer pipe to be welcomed by the biggest storm of liberation and emancipation only a free man can embrace.

Related image

Leaving Prayer Meeting tonight... the rain was coming down at 45 degrees.  The wind was howling, bending trees and light poles and wreaking havoc all across the Bay Area.  I walked out of warm confines of the Lai's residence and made a mad dash to my car that was less than 15 yards away; when that very same wind ripped open the sanctuary of my hood and I was being pounded by the elements.  And at that moment in time... instead of putting my hood back on or sprint to my car... I stopped, arms opened wide, head held high.... I pulled an "Andy Dufresne." 

"Wednesday at PA"
"Black Friday"
"Soup Day"

They all roll up to equal "five hundred yards of sh!t-smelling foulness."  Earlier today... I crawled through my own personal 500 yards of sh!t-smelling foulness and found liberation, freedom, I finally found Shaws-HANK Redemption.  

So....what's next????  Do I find my way to the Mexican resort of Zihuatanejo, fly my buddy down, so we can begin a how-can-it-not-be-awkward-for-two-men-to-be-in-paradise relationship??  Naaaaah... that's only in the movies.

What's next???  Project 21.

Mood: liberated

Monday, January 14, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子,第10日。 驟雨

Every now and again... just like to mindlessly take inventory of this moment in time...

I am: gonna get through this
I think: the passage of time heals almost everything, almost
I know: the right thing to do
I want: to have my cake and eat it too
I have: no choice
I wish: I can turn back time
I hate: being stuck in this situation
I miss: the days of recent past
I fear: my actions do not reflect my faith
I hear: NN singing in the showers
I wonder: where she gets it from (HA!)
I regret: starting off on the wrong foot
I love: a good bottle of wine
I ache: when I hear Angel crying
I care: about hurting others
I always: want to do what’s right
I am not: a good witness
I dance: like a donkey
I sing: off key
I cry: when I think of events of recent past
I do not always: do what’s right
I fight: the temptation to break the rules
I write: how I feel…
I win: when my kids REPRESENT!!!!
I lose: when I cause others to stumble
I confuse: the heck out of myself
I listen: to that tiny voice inside my head
I can usually be found: with bags under my eyes
I need: to believe that Krazy Glue could actually work
I am happy about: the direction CS is headed
I should: dive headfirst into ministry and start letting go

Onto 2019...

Mood: resolute

Sunday, January 13, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子,第9日。 有雲

Yet another blog post dedicated to a woman.  By my count... there's Kayi, Christie, Sandy and now.... Nancy.  On the flip side, I've only written one post for a man - and he's a dead priest!!! Ah wellz... I'll catch up with a future post.  

I haven't seen Nancy since NN was born when she happened to be in the Bay Area that day. Her family moves around every two years so we've kept in touch sporadically via random emails and Christmas cards.  She would ask me to translate things here or there or I would field some spirituality questions.  Walking into Cafe Coco and seeing her smile was the ray of sunshine I needed in an otherwise rainy day(s).  We went through small talk... went through the kids... went through our Christian walk... retirement... spouse status.  At least 5 times...maybe more.. she would ask, "How's Joyce?"  And I wouldn't know how to answer.  The first couple of times... it may have been out of courtesy.  But by the 4th and 5th time... I felt she really wanted to make sure our marriage is in a good spot.  I told her... "We're still very much in love." and "I make a point to tell her 'I love you' every day."  It wasn' t awkward nor was it forced. 90 minutes came and went.  As we parted... and I was walking back to my car (which of course, I parked 6 blocks away cuz I didn't want to feed the meter), I couldn't help but think back on what we had... what I had...

I met Nancy the Summer of '94.  She is the popular, extrovert that everyone likes and has a knack for connecting with everyone.  I was initially taken aback that someone that was so far out of my league, would want to hang out with nerdy, geeky me.  But - hey - I was more than meets the eyes back then.  And... somehow... we developed a friendship that I never knew possible; let alone with someone of the opposite gender.  Nancy was the first girl I cooked porridge with.  Though I was partnered with Yvonne, I was somehow closer to Nancy.  I still remember being on the phone with her while playing MJ with the fam... and when I drew a tile... I'd say, "Wish me luck."  And she would playfully kiss me over the phone.  All in good phun, of course.

We never developed into anything romantically... cuz that just wasn't where we were.  She was, however, an object of pursuit of one of my best friends.  And ironically, she developed an infatuation of my other best friend.  And slowly... I felt my place in her life was demoted.  That was never the case, but due to my immaturiy, I actually developed a kind of resentment of that non-demotion.  So I aptly stopped talking to her and moved on with my life.  A few times, she would reach out and try to reconcile - without ever knowing why I did what I did.  And I would dodge and ignore her.  After a while... she moved on.  We never reconnected after that. I moved on... and so did she.  Throughout the rest of high school and into college, she was "just an acquaintance" and we never rekindled what was once so pure and so envied by most.

Many years later... we sorta reconnected.  When I lost all "my friends" during the Fall of 2000... and I needed someone to talk to... I turned back to her.  But what we once had... was never more.  When she got married and needed emergency assistance - I dropped everything to help - to which she was extremely grateful.  When she was struggling with her new found faith and spirituality, I was her life jacket.  I even translated her testimony for her... so that her mom was able to follow along on the day of her baptism.  Through anything we've done post-college, post-marriage and post-family... we never found what we once had.  Something I so decidedly tossed away.

Today... as I sat across from her and listened to her non-judgemental admonishment or encouragement... I can't help but wonder - WHAT IF?? WHAT IF... I wasn't so immature? WHAT IF... I tried to reach out and reconcile earlier? WHAT IF... I was a better friend, a better brother? Woulda coulda shoulda.  I go through life with little to no regrets.. I would classify this as one of those.  But I can't help but think.... why didn't I learn my lesson from 20 years ago?? Or maybe... I did learn.  And I still have hope with what is left in front of me today.

Thank you Nanners... Rainbow... you have made a difference in my life.

Onto 2019...

Mood: remorseful 

Saturday, January 12, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子,第8日。 晴天帶雲

Today was weird... extremely weird. I was exhausted, irritable, uneasy, on the verge of breakdown. What happened? The answer... Yesterday. That's what happened.

Yesterday... I had lunch and dinner with some of my long time friends. Friends who made a huge impact in my life... in my most formidable teenage/high school years. Friends who were once closer to me than family. 上刀山,落油鑊,兩協插刀. That's how close we were.

For one reason or another... some natural, some by selection, we drifted apart. At the end of our gatherings... we had the same sentiments, "Let's do this again!" But in reality... that was just the polite thing to say. We're not going to get back together. What we once had.. is in the past. 往事只能回味. We've all moved on... found new friends... established new lifestyles. Without the day to day interaction and sharing, without being involved in each other's lives... any relationship will simply die out.  Friendship, like many things, need cultivating and constant caring. How rare can you truly put nothing in, but get something in return? Hmmm.... And I guess the physical toils of the past two weeks and the emotional roller coaster finally caught up to me simultaneously.

Then something even weirder happened.  We had fellowship tonight and I was NOT into it. My mind was wandering... my heart was sunk... my soul lifeless.  After I got home... two sisters 不約而同 texted me saying, "You were very quiet tonight, are you OK?" Who are these two sisters...that know me so well (or well enuf?) to reach out to check up on me.  I was touched... deeply touched.  To which I sarcastically responded to their genuine concern, "So..... am I usually a loud mouth?!?!?"

Onto 2019...

Mood: Indifferent with a tad of hope

Friday, January 11, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子,第7日。 雨

山長水遠、來到目的地。 原本想嗌草莓、因為{友人}鍾意。 但又想叫話呢嗱、夠實惠。最后、都係等老闆娘介紹、叫咗綠茶。不論什麼味,結果都是一樣、我不喜歡食雪糕。但這𥚃、又豈是雪糕店那么簡單呢?

Onto 2019...

Mood: 孤孤單單

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

2 Tim 3:16

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第4日.  微雨.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.." 2 Tim 3:16.

All Scripture... mmm hmm... okkkkkkkkkkkkkay.  Let's see how far we can take that....

Goodness gracious.  Went shopping for a bible today.  Since when did it get so complicated?!?!?!?   How many translations are there now?? King James (KJV).  New King James (NKJV).  Good ol' NIV.  Then there's a new one... Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB) - that was just recently released and is all over the shelves.  Don't forget the New Living Translation (NLT). about the Amplified Bible.   The one that I actually got use to reading... English Standard Version (ESV) is no where to be found. 

Do I need a commentary just to explain the difference??  Oh wait... there's more.

A bible isn't just a bible anymore.  No no...  There's a Life Application Bible.  There's the Study Bible.  There's a Women's Devotion Bible.  Not to be outdone... there's a Men's Devotion Bible.  There's the Family Bible - which is the size of a phone book (people don't even know what that is anymore) who's main purpose is to sit on your coffee table to look good.  On and on and on... I was aimlessly walking uppppppppp and doooooooooown the aisles.  Hoping to find ONE... just ONE.

And at the end... I give up.  Go online.  Download the Bible App. They have all the translation.  No one lugs around a book anymore.  But everyone has a smartphone.  Let's just move on with technology already... geez louise puh-leez!!  

Onto 2019...

Mood: stressed

Monday, January 07, 2019

Precious Moment

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第3日.  密雲.

Normally, I lead the family in our nightly Family Altar before going to bed.  Joyce puts down SW and I have the honor of putting NN to sleep.  Well tonight... NN specifically requested Mommy.  No worries... I ain't jealous.  But little SW is... and it took Joyce almost yelling in order for him to give in.

After our Family Altar time, after saying their prayer, I asked Joyce "Can you help me squeeze NN's hand twice?"

Then NN asked SW, "弟弟, can you help me squeeze Daddy's hand twice?"

SW was curious... "Why?"

NN replied, "Just do it and I'll tell you later."

And SW obliged - but his squeeze was half-@$$ed, with no conviction and listless.  Nothing like a NN-squeeze.

Ever since who knows when, that's been our little code for "Heart Heart" or "Love You."  And we do it EVERY NIGHT.  Some times it's a squeeze of the hand.  If there are times when she's sleeping with her head on to the other side of the bed, I would squeeze her feet, and NN will in turn use both her feet to "hug" my arm twice.

Then I realized... wow... this is between me and NN.  We shared this one little secret bond... every night, we shared this one little precious moment.

Onto 2019...

Mood: warm and fuzzy for the right reason (yet disappointed, for other reasons)

Sunday, January 06, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子. 第2日.  大風雨.

Nice is when 80% of the Congregation responding to an altar call and walked up to the front to dedicate 2019 to the Lord,

Beautiful is when the two 90+ year old ladies who come to church every Sunday in a wheel chair / walker, who want to but can't walk out and join the rest of the group.  But they... stood... up.  That was beautiful.

Onto 2019... 

Mood: Cough*cough*cough (breathe) Cough*cough

Saturday, January 05, 2019

Painful Truth be Told

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第1日.  大風雨.

Spent the night watching Shrek Forever After with the family tonight.  The movie was aight... but to sit for 2 hours and waste two hours of my precious night was an absolute killer.  There was so many things I could be working on.. at the very least, I can have my phone with me so I can start planning 2019 for church.  As part of my new year's resolution to "become a new man", I dropped everything and just sat for 2 hours.  

During our nightly ritual of 家庭時間:

NN's 一件開心事 was, "我好開心爸B可以同我地睇晒成套戲.  "

SW chimes in and says "爸B, 點解你成日唔同我地睇video嘅?"

NN comes to my defense, "爸B好忙㗎!"

I took that moment to apologize.  Apologize to them that I chose work over family.  That I mis-prioritized my life.  And asked for their forgiveness. 

Onto 2019... 

Mood: Apologetic

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

What have I done?

For all the self-glorification I did in my "Looking back in 2018" post.... for all those victories I can claim this past year... one false move, one mis-step, one careless email.... and everything is shattered.  Gone.  Stomped on.  Smashed.  Destroyed.  Annihilated.

What was worse? Katrina? No.... it's the days after.
What's worse? Nuclear war? No... the days after.
What's worse? DEH Day? No...  the days after.

How.... can.... I.... so.... royally..... ph*ck.... things.... up.....?!?!?!?

Mood: lifeless