Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Testing of the Fleece

People ask... "How do you know God is telling you something?"  Or ask in a different way, "How do you know something is from God?" Ask 10 main-stream Christians and you'll probably get the same / similar list of modal answers.
  1. Biblical Confirmation
  2. Common Sense
  3. Personal Desire
  4. Environmental Allowance
  5. Spiritual Authority Advisement
  6. Supernatural Signs
  7. Be at Peace
Earlier this year... PAL levied a new commission on me.  新的方向, 新的異象, 新的使命. I've been lackadaisical on executing on this commission.  Partly because I'm doubting if it's for me.  Well... go through the list of 7-things on top and one by one... I'm starting to put check marks by them.  Uh-oh....

Tonight at Prayer Meeting, I had no intentions on bringing this up.  But it just so happens I was grouped with a bunch of sisters whom I don't normally pray with... and this new commission came up as a prayer item.  Other than myself... I hadn't asked anyone to pray with me on this topic.  And tonight... I have 3 other prayer warriors praying???  Coincident????  

Ohhh.... and how about this.  I've casually brought this commission up with 4 other families... thinking we can start forming a Core Team to start brainstorming, start fasting and praying.  And all 4 of those families have given me, not just a NO, but a HECK NO!!!  Which is fine.... Until I realized tonight... that earlier this week, I met a man who is a "Gideon."  

How did "Gideon" find his army?? As the story goes... the Lord helped him pick up 300 men from the way they drank water. Not how Gideon originally formed his army, no-no. Now.... is this what the Lord has intended for me?? That the "team" that I want to form, isn't the team that HE wants to form?? So it comes down to item #6. Tonight's Prayer Meeting was already pretty supernatural. But dare I ask God for a sign, like Gideon asked, when he tested God with the wool fleece????

The scary thing is two fold. One... testing God. Dare I even think about doing that???? When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, He said, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” I don't want to take that out of context. But the scarier thing is... if God DOES give me that supernatural sign, am I going to accept it???

Mood: moody

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