Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Shaws-HANK Redemption

衰咗! 要由頭離過。 橫風橫雨, 落狗屎!! 

“Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of sh!t-smelling foulness I can't even imagine.” And at the end those 500 yards...  Andy Dufresne emerges from the sewer pipe to be welcomed by the biggest storm of liberation and emancipation only a free man can embrace.

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Leaving Prayer Meeting tonight... the rain was coming down at 45 degrees.  The wind was howling, bending trees and light poles and wreaking havoc all across the Bay Area.  I walked out of warm confines of the Lai's residence and made a mad dash to my car that was less than 15 yards away; when that very same wind ripped open the sanctuary of my hood and I was being pounded by the elements.  And at that moment in time... instead of putting my hood back on or sprint to my car... I stopped, arms opened wide, head held high.... I pulled an "Andy Dufresne." 

"Wednesday at PA"
"Black Friday"
"Soup Day"

They all roll up to equal "five hundred yards of sh!t-smelling foulness."  Earlier today... I crawled through my own personal 500 yards of sh!t-smelling foulness and found liberation, freedom, I finally found Shaws-HANK Redemption.  

So....what's next????  Do I find my way to the Mexican resort of Zihuatanejo, fly my buddy down, so we can begin a how-can-it-not-be-awkward-for-two-men-to-be-in-paradise relationship??  Naaaaah... that's only in the movies.

What's next???  Project 21.

Mood: liberated

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