Saturday, January 19, 2019


Gideon is a bible character who famously tested the Lord with the sheepskin. Then he went into battle with the 300 that the Lord selected for him... and he defeated the Amaelikes with torches and jars. Today... I met my first Gideon.

The big storm that hit us on Wednesday hit us harder than I realize. Chunks of fence I share with my next door neighbor got ripped apart!! I felt responsible to pay for the repairs even though it's a "shared fence." Whatever... money is one thing. I just want neighbors to be happy with each other.

To my surprise, the owner of the duplex, offered to "work with me." I didn't really have the heart to negotiate... but the conversation evolved from I get a quote and have it fixed, to me paying for material and he'll fix the fence... to me offering to help him rebuild the fence and him paying for half the cost of the material. For him... the material is a tax write-off. He's not in it for the money. And one thing led to another... and he asked, "Are you a Christian??"

Turns out he's a Gideon... which is a band of believers who's sole mission is to deliver the bible in any language to anyone who is willing to accept it. He handed me one of these Gideon Bibles - and it turns out I had one of these growing up in Chinatown. He then went as far as recruiting me to join in their which I politely declined by saying, "I'll pray about it."

This is a Silicon Valley retiree who collects rent that's easily $5-600 less than market value. He's not in it for the money... but the fact that he has happy tenants which makes him a happy owner. What brings him joy is the fact that he can still be part of the Great Commission, even at the ripe age of 80.

There are still these people out there. People who live their lives as the bible preaches. How I wish I can be like him (and his brethren), who live by faith and offer their lives, not as hypocrites, but to be the salt and light that Christ calls us out to be. Every little bit counts...

Mood: awestruck

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