Monday, January 07, 2019

Precious Moment

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第3日.  密雲.

Normally, I lead the family in our nightly Family Altar before going to bed.  Joyce puts down SW and I have the honor of putting NN to sleep.  Well tonight... NN specifically requested Mommy.  No worries... I ain't jealous.  But little SW is... and it took Joyce almost yelling in order for him to give in.

After our Family Altar time, after saying their prayer, I asked Joyce "Can you help me squeeze NN's hand twice?"

Then NN asked SW, "弟弟, can you help me squeeze Daddy's hand twice?"

SW was curious... "Why?"

NN replied, "Just do it and I'll tell you later."

And SW obliged - but his squeeze was half-@$$ed, with no conviction and listless.  Nothing like a NN-squeeze.

Ever since who knows when, that's been our little code for "Heart Heart" or "Love You."  And we do it EVERY NIGHT.  Some times it's a squeeze of the hand.  If there are times when she's sleeping with her head on to the other side of the bed, I would squeeze her feet, and NN will in turn use both her feet to "hug" my arm twice.

Then I realized... wow... this is between me and NN.  We shared this one little secret bond... every night, we shared this one little precious moment.

Onto 2019...

Mood: warm and fuzzy for the right reason (yet disappointed, for other reasons)

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