Saturday, January 05, 2019

Painful Truth be Told

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第1日.  大風雨.

Spent the night watching Shrek Forever After with the family tonight.  The movie was aight... but to sit for 2 hours and waste two hours of my precious night was an absolute killer.  There was so many things I could be working on.. at the very least, I can have my phone with me so I can start planning 2019 for church.  As part of my new year's resolution to "become a new man", I dropped everything and just sat for 2 hours.  

During our nightly ritual of 家庭時間:

NN's 一件開心事 was, "我好開心爸B可以同我地睇晒成套戲.  "

SW chimes in and says "爸B, 點解你成日唔同我地睇video嘅?"

NN comes to my defense, "爸B好忙㗎!"

I took that moment to apologize.  Apologize to them that I chose work over family.  That I mis-prioritized my life.  And asked for their forgiveness. 

Onto 2019... 

Mood: Apologetic

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