Friday, January 25, 2019


After 35 days of partial federal shutdown, the Donald supposedly backs down and temporarily reopens the government without getting his $6B wall. CNN labels it as the "Beginning of the end" for his administration and "Trump lost and Pelosi Won." Ann "Why-am-I-even-giving-her-any-space-on-my-blog" Coulter tweets George Sr. is no longer "the biggest wimp" to serve as president.  I hope Pelosi and the DNC sees this.  Come Feb 15th... they (we) better be ready to parry the counterattack and the counter to our counter attack.  Just cuz he's retreating (now)... it can only mean he'll be firing back and advancing with more fury than ever. 

“To retreat is to advance” - supposedly from The Art of War, but not really. (HA!) A strategy used in life.. in career.. in sports.. and politics!!

Mood: worried... cuz I'll be traveling in early March!! AH!!!

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