Sunday, January 20, 2019

忙, 亡, 望

Yet... another whirlwind weekend.  To which I'm wonder... how long can I keep this up??

Saturday morning started with a sleepless night, leading to our monthly bible class of Paul's Life and Letters.  To which I ended up skipping lunch - but got home in time to do some fix-up's around the house, then make a run to the bank to grab crispy-new cash for Chinese New Year.  I caught about 30 minutes of shut-eye... to wake up so I can drive to Fremont to pick dad up for his B-day dinner. (Why does he celebrate his Bday according to the Lunar Calendar!!! ARGH!!!)

Sped up to Fremont... and dad requested some coffee time. Boy was that coffee time special.  Our talk was short...but deep.  No longer was I talking to my dad as just his son... but I was his adult peer. Got home with dad...which allowed him to play mahjong with the kids for about 45 minutes.  Then we headed to his Bday dinner with Ah So and family.  Too bad big bro is in China...which otherwise would've made it a perfect dinner.  I then drove him back to the city...and then headed off to hang out with the Gonz.  A beautiful and precious couple of hours that can only be described as "priceless." 

Woke up Sunday morning... needing to rush to pick up mom and Clark for church.  Surprise surprise... as devout as a Catholic as mom is, she knows that a Protestant church is the place for her grandchild (and prayerfully, big bro and Ah So) to grow spiritually.  I didn't know what the afternoon was going to be like.  I had a triple-booked schedule.  But thankfully... the person we were suppose to visit and lunch with called to cancel (phew!).  Then after service, I ran around church with my head cut off.  I even had to skip out on a ministry meeting cuz I can use mom as an excuse.  Had the friend shown up...and I had mom to deal with... and I had the meeting, I would've literally collapsed.  Doing this... doing that... speaking to him... talking to her.  We left church shortly after noon to head to lunch.... and I was running sweating like I just came out of a sauna and was running on EMPTY.  

Lunch was difficult.  Waited 45 minutes for our seat.... to which I would've happily just gone to Subway for a $5 footlong.  During lunch... Charlie, as normal, was complaining about his lunch.  Then he started crying...which turned into balling.  I know he has trouble sitting and eating... but I've never seen him crying like this.  And then it happened... he started projectile vomiting.  Something he ate...or some bug was bothering him.  He threw up all over his clothes, the floor and grandpa's clothes.  Grace handled it with exactly what her name calls her out to be... grace.  Lunch ended up surprisingly peacefully after that.  Mom was being mom...and made the table feel like sh*t when she openly chastised the kids for watching the phone the entire time. Ah wellz... we all think it.  She's just tactless enough to say it.

After driving them home.... I finally got a few minutes of "rest" by shopping at Trader Joe's  The rest was shortlived.  I got home and started hanging out with the kids by watching the last 30 minutes of Shrek with them.  And I couldn't help but fall asleep.  Woke up and it was time to go on our double date.  We drove to the Yu's to drop the kids off.  And wasted an hour there waiting for their pizza to be delivered.  So inefficient!! Drives me nuts!!!

The Yu's and we proceeded to our double date of hot pot... followed by dessert at Chocomodo.  Got back to their place at 9PM...and our baby sitter threw us a huge curveball, by saying that instead of $15 an hour, she was going to charge us $15 / hour / child!!  She would've made out the evening making $240!!! was the wives who negotiated.  I would've ripped her head off had she done that to me.  

After another hour of hanging out... we got home.  Put the kids down...and I got to sit down and finish some training that was due today.  I log on at 11:01PM to see that the course is already overdue.  Darn it.... the due date is 11:59PM Mountain Time!!! 

Got done with my training, albeit late... and finally....finally.... I get to sit down to type this out.  As I type... I can only think of one thing...In spite of all this busyness... I didn't find more than 1 hour to spend time with the family.  FAIL.

And next Saturday is already projecting to be just as, if not more busy. 

Mood: physical and emotion collapse

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