Monday, January 14, 2019


沒有雞尾包的日子,第10日。 驟雨

Every now and again... just like to mindlessly take inventory of this moment in time...

I am: gonna get through this
I think: the passage of time heals almost everything, almost
I know: the right thing to do
I want: to have my cake and eat it too
I have: no choice
I wish: I can turn back time
I hate: being stuck in this situation
I miss: the days of recent past
I fear: my actions do not reflect my faith
I hear: NN singing in the showers
I wonder: where she gets it from (HA!)
I regret: starting off on the wrong foot
I love: a good bottle of wine
I ache: when I hear Angel crying
I care: about hurting others
I always: want to do what’s right
I am not: a good witness
I dance: like a donkey
I sing: off key
I cry: when I think of events of recent past
I do not always: do what’s right
I fight: the temptation to break the rules
I write: how I feel…
I win: when my kids REPRESENT!!!!
I lose: when I cause others to stumble
I confuse: the heck out of myself
I listen: to that tiny voice inside my head
I can usually be found: with bags under my eyes
I need: to believe that Krazy Glue could actually work
I am happy about: the direction CS is headed
I should: dive headfirst into ministry and start letting go

Onto 2019...

Mood: resolute

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