Tuesday, January 08, 2019

2 Tim 3:16

沒有雞尾包的日子. 第4日.  微雨.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.." 2 Tim 3:16.

All Scripture... mmm hmm... okkkkkkkkkkkkkay.  Let's see how far we can take that....

Goodness gracious.  Went shopping for a bible today.  Since when did it get so complicated?!?!?!?   How many translations are there now?? King James (KJV).  New King James (NKJV).  Good ol' NIV.  Then there's a new one... Holman Christian Standard Bible (CSB) - that was just recently released and is all over the shelves.  Don't forget the New Living Translation (NLT).  Oh...how about the Amplified Bible.   The one that I actually got use to reading... English Standard Version (ESV) is no where to be found. 

Do I need a commentary just to explain the difference??  Oh wait... there's more.

A bible isn't just a bible anymore.  No no...  There's a Life Application Bible.  There's the Study Bible.  There's a Women's Devotion Bible.  Not to be outdone... there's a Men's Devotion Bible.  There's the Family Bible - which is the size of a phone book (people don't even know what that is anymore) who's main purpose is to sit on your coffee table to look good.  On and on and on... I was aimlessly walking uppppppppp and doooooooooown the aisles.  Hoping to find ONE... just ONE.

And at the end... I give up.  Go online.  Download the Bible App. They have all the translation.  No one lugs around a book anymore.  But everyone has a smartphone.  Let's just move on with technology already... geez louise puh-leez!!  

Onto 2019...

Mood: stressed

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