Monday, April 27, 2020

Amazing Race - Parents Edition

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 43

Heh... the kids designed an Amazing Race for us tonight.  It was really good!!  They copied some of the challenges I came up with... but they also took some creative independence and spun things in an unexpected away.

One of the best part was... SW used his iPad to chase after the action.  I joined in the fun by taking some self-videos and pretending to be interviewed.  Ended up making an entire video with sound effects and everything.  

Half way through the race... you can easily see who wanted it more, who was relentless in pursue of victory.  And you can also see who was pouting and grumbling at the sure eventuality of losing.  To a point where... the judges were scared that one of the contestant will get mad.  

And there were a couple of times where SW and NN were obviously helping me and giving me hints.  Heh...Daddy-bias.  Doesn't happen often.  I'll take it!!  

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