Saturday, April 25, 2020

Braving the storm

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 41

Joyce says we haven't been documenting our SIP with pictures. 10-15 years from now... or even 10-15 weeks from now... we're going to forget what we went through. 

Not since the Saturday before SIP was officially in place have we gone shopping.  This time... we braved the storm and headed to Target with one goal in mind - finding a giant Squish-Mallow for SW's upcoming birthday.  Not only did we find it... we also found a bunch of snacks, junk food, TOILET PAPER!!!! Oh... and a case of beer.  Heh...  

Ended up not getting the TP... it was $1 / roll.  But how do you really value TP?? Thickness of roll? Overall length? Roughness? Softness?  Regardless... the main point is... if I am to brave Armageddon with anyone... I have that person right by my side. 

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