Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nui-stones and SW-stones

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 44

Nui-stones and SW-stones in the past 2 days....

Yesterday... SW's friend wasn't able to have their Google Hangout session for whatever reason.  SW ended up typing "๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ."  To which his friend responded with "}:}:}:"  So pure.  So sweet. 

Last night... I accidentally read NN's chats with her friends.  Turns out she's asking them if she's bossy, jealous and hot-headed.  She asked all her girl friends.  To have the courage to ask that... and to take the answers straight on.  That showed a lot of guts and a lot of determination.  I was proud and heart broken at the same time.

This morning... I forced SW to try drinking some milk to go with his cinnamon toast crunch cereal.  Not only was he reluctant... he made every face and came up with every excuse to not drink it.  At the end... I got him to take two sips.  Immediately... he complained his lips were itching.  Placebo effect.  I thought.  I made him take two more sips... and he started to hack up phlegm.  Geez..... and then I said a few things I shouldn't have said and SW ends up crying.  Failed.

Later this mornin... Joyce goes into work cuz her laptop died.  I had meetings up the wazoo so SW didn't have a snack.  He finished all his work.  He finished his zoom session. He was bored and hungry.  He finally built up enough courage to come in and ask, "Are you done with your meetings? I'm hungry."  Geez... what kind of father am I?!?!???  

Later in the afternoon... SW's friends pinged him to hangout.  He was so happy.  He grabbed his iPad and ran into his room.  To him... this was the highlight of his day.  To him... this was making up for what didn't happen yesterday.  But to Joyce... Tuesday and Fridays are off-limits. Rules are rules.  I ended up explaining to Joyce that there could be exceptions to the rules - especially if the little guy's been going through a rough couple of days.  Lighten up...?

Early evening... I once again begged NN to run with me.  She's borderline rebelling but I'm still hanging on to our father/daughter relationship... albeit by the thinnest of threads.  And this time... SW didn't come with us.  I said... let's not run two laps.  Let's just run 10 minutes to see how far we go.  Well lo and behold.... in 10 minutes, we ran two full laps around our neighborhood - non-stop.  She can do it!!!

During dinner... SW pulls out his 7th tooth.  Why??? Cuz the wiggly tooth is bothering him.  And he wants to be able to eat his pizza and Modo Donut on his birthday.  I pack his tooth in a little sandwich bag.... wrote a note documenting the date and the tooth... put it in some drawer and by golly... I'm so organized... there lied his other 6 teeth.  All in bags.  All with a note.  All written the same way.  I'm so predictable.  He's so brave. 

Right before bed... I map out our route on google map.  Each lap was approximately 0.53 miles.  Which meant.... two laps is about 1.06 miles.  Which meant... NN did her 10 minute mile.  The best thing wasn't her meeting her goal... the best thing was... she wants to demolish her goal.   Project 21 goal - ACCOMPLISHED!!! 

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