Thursday, April 30, 2020

Don't give up... I'm right beside you...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 45

She really didn't want to go... and I really didn't want to force her.  We eventually made it out the house... and started our mile run... hoping to best our 10 minute mark. 

Halfway through... she needed to stop and walk.  I slowed down to a walking-jog.  Then as we made our final turn... I heard her footsteps start to pickup.  My Nn was pushing herself. 

At the final stretch... she said, "Bah-B... I can't do this."  So I reached out and grabbed her hand... "We'll do this together."  I didn't pull her.  I simply squeezed her hand tight, hoping to pass some of my energy to her.  And as we were about 100 feet away from the finish line... I decided to let go and let her sprint her way to the end.

Put that into a life analogy.... do it.... I dare you not to. 😭

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