Monday, April 20, 2020

One month to go...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 36

School sent out an official notice saying we'll be going to remote schooling the rest of the school year and the last day of school is 5/22 with the week of Memorial Day being final cleanup and returning of material.  Which means... we have a little more than month to complete Project 21 before the end of the school year. 

Sigh... what started out as a great motivator has now dwindled down to helping NN run her 10 minute mile.  I think she can do it... but she needs some training.  The HIIT in the garage can only get her so far.  

I pulled her out of her Google Hangout session this afternoon...and she was miffed.  =(  But after a week off for Spring Break, it's time to get them back into the groove again.  The first lap around the neighborhood... she was prancing like an antelope.  I was having a hard time keeping up!!  Then expected... she crashed by lap 2.  Ho ho ho....  

Including the walking and cooling down at the end... it ended up being about a 15 minute mile.  Shave off 5 minutes... no problem.  Will I accomplish at least one of the items on Project 21?????  The 1 item that's not even on there??? Sigh....

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