Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Will you accept this rose?"

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 35

Today during our daily stroll... we hung door hangers that we created the past few days.  Door hangers that bear a simple message of "Hi! I'm here for you.  Call me if you need anything."  A small gesture. A bit of creativity.  In the name of bringing His light into this neighborhood. 

Making the door hangers was challenging.  Didn't have a lot of materials at home.  And if I'm giving out something.. I don't want it to be half-@$$ed.

Hanging the door hangers were awkward.  Especially in this time of social distancing and minimizing sharing of anything... ANYTHING.  I didn't want to offend anyone.  

Later today.. as the kids and I were in the front yard planting our tomato plants... one of our neighbors came by with a smile on his face and thanked us for such a sweet gesture.  And in return... he gifted us with this....  (I'm actually kinda impressed with my own camera skills here)

Apparently this is called a "Rock-n-Rose."  Don't remember the last time (or the first time) I received a flower.  Hmmm....  But, 老實講, 掛幾個door hanger有幾難姐?

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