Saturday, April 11, 2020

Blast from the Past

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 29

Following up on roller blading yesterday... the kids officially started Spring Break, so we've loosened up on the home restrictions and allowed them to turn the Wii on.  But the games we have are limited to Wii Sports, Super Smash Brothers and Cooking Mama.  And NN isn't at all interested in Lego Star Wars.  So I bust out with an old skool early 2000 game on the PS2 - Tak - the Great Juju Challenge!!

Tak: The Great Juju Challenge - Wikipedia

The graphics suck.  The game play is so-so.  The premise is really elementary.  But the kids love it.  They laugh so hard when it's time to laugh.  And of course, they get into squabbles and arguments when they run into roadblocks.

If they're good... I'll bust out with Dance Dance Revolution next week!! OH YEAH!!

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