Friday, April 17, 2020

I need a new movie...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 34

Ok... enough is enough. This isn't phunny anymore. Starting in the second year of his life sentence, it took Andy Dufresne nearly 17 years to tunnel his way to freedom.  Digging with that little rock hammer bit by bit....

My Meaningful Movies: The Shawshank Redemption

Well holy mother of Warden.... the broken pipe (it was a PVC pipe, heh) was so deep in the ground, I was only able to saw with 2 inches of clearance and not damage the adjacent pipe.  Would've been better off flossing with a metallic string. 

Under that stinken ginormous root was the other side of the broken pipe with just enough space for my knuckles to get in there so I can use sand paper to smooth out the pipe for the ultimate reattachment surgery.

As I was on my knees... almost in a prayer position...  I was just waiting for the voice of an opera singer to start blaring on Pandora. Instead... it was "Ooops! I did it again."  

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