Not so often... but more than I can remember... during 家庭時間 prior to going to bed... SW and NN will say the best part of their day is Bah-B watching a movie with them. I try... sometimes... but it's just so easy to hide in my room and "work" whenever I get 2 hours of silence.
Twice... I've sat through horrid movies with SW.
The first time... we walked out of the theater and I felt like crap cuz I wasted two hours of our time. I even apologized to him for such a horrible movie. But he was as happy as a clam. Such a positive attitude... he said, "This wasn't the best Pokemon movie, but I liked it!" And he still brings up that day I picked him up from coding and had Pizza my Heart for dinner while 家姐 went camping.
Another time... I picked a piece of garbage on Netflix. I suggested we stop the movie and pick something else. But he insisted we kept going. "I want to watch the whole thing - Bah B is here."
Tonight... I watched The Croods - a movie I wouldn't be caught dead watching if it wasn't recommended by someone. I remember the kids watching this a while back... It's an amazing movie. Beautifully animated. Heart-wrenching storyline. Loads of jokes and laughter. And there I sat... all by myself... in the lonely darkness. When I could have watched this movie with the fam and shared with them one more happy memory. Instead... I only have regrets.
Forget regrets or life is yours to miss. Forget life... and all you have left are regrets.
Forget regrets or life is yours to miss. Forget life... and all you have left are regrets.
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