Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Missing out...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 32

Not so often... but more than I can remember... during 家庭時間 prior to going to bed... SW and NN will say the best part of their day is Bah-B watching a movie with them.  I try... sometimes... but it's just so easy to hide in my room and "work" whenever I get 2 hours of silence.

Twice... I've sat through horrid movies with SW.  

The first time... we walked out of the theater and I felt like crap cuz I wasted two hours of our time.  I even apologized to him for such a horrible movie.  But he was as happy as a clam.  Such a positive attitude... he said, "This wasn't the best Pokemon movie, but I liked it!"  And he still brings up that day I picked him up from coding and had Pizza my Heart for dinner while 家姐 went camping. 

Another time... I picked a piece of garbage on Netflix.  I suggested we stop the movie and pick something else.  But he insisted we kept going.  "I want to watch the whole thing - Bah B is here."  

Tonight... I watched The Croods - a movie I wouldn't be caught dead watching if it wasn't recommended by someone.  I remember the kids watching this a while back...   It's an amazing movie.  Beautifully animated. Heart-wrenching storyline.  Loads of jokes and laughter.  And there I sat... all by myself... in the lonely darkness.  When I could have watched this movie with the fam and shared with them one more happy memory.  Instead... I only have regrets.

Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.  Forget life... and all you have left are regrets.  

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