Sunday, April 26, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 42

It was Short and Stubby's Bday today... and I thought... what the hay... let's have a Zoom Session.  Then I thought... what the hay... let's get the rest of the Sons on.  Reached into my dormant Facebook account and dust ridden contact list to resurrect some long-severed connections.  Was only able to get a hold of 4 of them.  After the first 10 minutes of "Hey!!! How's it going?!?!" and "Man... last time I saw you was...."  there was awkward silence.  Like... "Uhhhh....someone say something."  Heh....

Such it is....  Will do it again, maybe.  And I do, I'll try to find the missing Sons.  And of course... OGB.... Davefffff (assuming he's still alive!)  

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