Monday, April 13, 2020

The Shaws-HANK Redemption 2020

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 31

The rock hammer hidden in the book of Exodus led to Andy's redemption...

Film's Great Inanimate Objects: Andy Dufresne's rock hammer from ...

And today... as I sat in my yard.. "sat and drank [water] with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men."

I look on the ground and see my pickaxe.  Once again, I'm embarking on redoing my yard, this time the backyard - a war-torn travesty that has seen more abundant days. 

After an hour or two of backbreaking digging and toiling... doubt start drifting in my head again.  Why can't I just pay someone to do this????  And that's when I find this... 

The strikes of my axe broke it into 3 pieces... but it's the carcass of a carrot that SW planted years ago when we tried (and failed) to plant a supposedly undie-able tomato plant.  If a carrot can survive... grow... almost flourish... then there's hope in this future vegetable garden afterall.   

ShawHANK Redemption 2020.... here we go!!!  Gotta be careful and not hammer through any sewage pipes...

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