Sunday, June 19, 2022

Fathers Day 2022

A very happy Father's Day.  

The gifts was nothing of a surprise.  I picked out my Ultimate Warrior and Macho Man socks a few weeks ago.  And Joyce gave in... and got me some drum sticks. 

Got to church early and was able to help Siu Han with her iPad. 

NN, SW and the Yu's kid attended worship... as I walked in.. they "danced" to 神大愛。

I was once gifted the honor to translate the sermon... on Father's Day no less. And afterwards... Joyce even complimented me... which is as rarer than a blue moon. 

As I'm leaving church... I see an elderly gentleman at a bus stop.  He rarely comes to church cuz of his ailing health and public transit isn't comfortable.  Today... I was able to give him a ride home.

After church, we went to a filling, yummy lunch at Ming's Tasty.  Something I've been craving... but have avoided cuz of the cost.  It's hard to do business these days.

Came home after lunch and the MSG helped me nap a little. 

Around 3PM... we drove out to Thrive City. Thought about buying a Locker Room championship T-shirt... $45!!!!  Ended up taking pictures of us holding the shirt instead.  

Then headed over to dinner with dad... I was F1 racing through the streets of SF... cuz I told dad we'll be there at 5:30 and google maps said I'll be there at 5:32PM.  Grrrr... hate being late!!!

Sigh... but when we got to the pizzeria... dad said he already ate pizza for lunch, so he was gonna order spaghetti.  I didn't know.  So I offered to get Chinese instead.  Dad said... "好." But out of nowhere... SW screams, "唔好!!"  That was so unexpected.  So disrespectful.  I immediately roared at him, "What day is today?!?!?"  And he immediately started tearing up.  His teeth was chattering out of fear.  He knows he f-ed up.  

Dad quickly jumped in... told me to stop staring.  That everything is OK.  In my mind... I knew what the right thing to do was. But still... I couldn't stop myself from giving SW the Stare of Death.  Poor guy... he used all his strength to hold his tears in.  

We ended up staying.  We had a great time.  Great conversation.  And in the middle of dinner... dad lectured me in front of everyone.  "The kids... they have their own personalities. They're own thinking.  Don't hinder it with your anger.  Or they will never express it in front of you."  And I did... what I would want my son and daughter to do... I simply nodded. And accepted my father's rebuke. 

After dinner.... dad wanted to walk home.  We didn't try to stop him.  He's too free spirited.  And after a big dinner... he needed a smoke.  As for us... we drove back down home while listening to an audio book... and the entire family fell asleep. 

A wonderful... .WONDERFUL... Father's Day for me.

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