Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Social Etiquette

The past few months... I've been helping one of our church sister's with applying for low-income housing.  Not to overshare here... but this sister is definitely in need of a professional worker - not someone like me.  But... in this geo-political-economy... those walking saints are as rare as a Buffalo Nickel.  

I've learned so much during these days.  In time of a need... I turn to my parents for help (heh...).  And cuz they have more experience in this arena.  Dad coins it as... "僧多粥少."  Out of desperation.. I started randomly calling and applying to any place that advertised "senior housing" or "low-income housing."  Along the way... I met some angels of my own... giving me advice and hints of what to do.  As I'm filling out these forms... and making these phone calls... I can't help but pry into someone's private life.  Their birthday.  Their social security number. Their income.  Their bank accounts.  There's a certain level of vulnerability that is revealed... and a certain level of trust that is established.

But this level of trust is fuzzy... is confusing.  To a point where... I get 4-5 calls a day.  Some of these calls are simply asking, "Did you receive my text?"  On the worst day of the year... when I was tired... frustrated... sleep deprived... and I got a late night call... I had to sternly but gracefully lay down the law.  "Let's talk about it tomorrow."  Only to receive a call at 6:30AM.... and I was trying to sleep in.  "XXXX... can you not call me so early??"  

On the other end of the line... I hear sobbing.  Crying.  Defeated, then I ask, "How can I help you?"  To get a response of... "Nevermind." (Hung up)

What to do... what to do....??

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