Monday, June 06, 2022

Near normal

Day 13. Still positive. But I'm walking around the house now with a mask on.  More so... I'm doing stuff around the house while wearing gloves. Gives me a chance to clean... and cook meals.  Joyce finally gets a break. 

For lunch... I tried to clean out the fridge.  And indeed I cleaned it up.  The 5 day old Chipotle leftover.  Tossed.  The 6 day old Nachos.  Tossed. 8 day old gnocchi - I ate it.  And I got sick.  May not have been from the gnocchi... possibly from the milk and cheerios which got me sick last Thursday. Half-meal after half-meal... I cleaned up the fridge.  Gosh it felt good... but it killed me that I'm wasting so much food.

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