Saturday, June 18, 2022

Music Lessons

One of the biggest regrets of my life... is never having learned music.  As a very young kid... I had violin lessons.  But I hated it.  Of course I did... I was a kid.  Personally... I don't think my parents did enough.  And I wasn't paired with the right teacher. 

Many many years later... I picked up the guitar and learned a few chords and strum patterns.  Enough to get by... and jam to myself.

And then today... I officially joined my first instrument class - Drums.  Ha!! And it was taught by teenagers. Youths... from our church.  I loved it.  Every minute of it.  And I hate to say it... but I think I was top of the class.  I was able to follow the patterns.  Able to keep up with the metronome. I was able to identify blindly the different parts of a drum set.  I think.... I'm going to start my own garage band!!!!  LET'S DO IT!!!! 

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