Monday, June 20, 2022

Warriors Championship Parade

This can only happen once in a lifetime... but amazingly... it's happened 4x for the Warriors and 3x for the Giants. (When will the Niners get theirs?!?!?!)

Surprisingly... NN agreed to go out to the city with me and hang out with dad for the parade.  

I wanted it to be a perfect day... but that's exactly what it wasn't.  First off... do you take public transit (during COVID??) or drive and pay? I reserved a spot for $20.

Then it's finding a spot to hang out. We started out 2 layers deep (schucks) and ended up 5 layers deep by the time the parade started. 

Dunno what the City did or what the Warriors decided to do... but we got there at 9AM.... and stood until 12:40PM until a real float showed up. GEEZ LOUISE PUH-LEEZ!!!!  I felt so bad.... we shoulda stood at the front of the parade... so it's get in get out.  We ended up baking in the sun.  We were crowded. We sniffed marijuana and 2nd hand smoke for hours. And we endured hours of yelling and cussing.

More importantly... as we walked from our Hall of Justice parking to the parade... NN got to experience the "city."  Homelessness. Drunks. Mentally unstable. Loud traffic. They were all there.... to a point where I felt it was irresponsible to bring a teenage girl to the city.  But I aptly said... "I walked these streets all the time as a kid." And that wasn't a lie.

We missed lunch...and ended finding a hole in the wall, Chinese BBQ place in Portola Valley and we were famished.  Inhaled our food and then found a way to convince dad to let me drive him home.  That ended up being an hour detour.  It was so hard to drive in and out of the city.  And Google maps routed me through all these streets and neighborhoods I've never been.  The city is alive. 

After I got home… I regretted so many things. I regretted not bringing lawn chairs with us to sit. I regretted making NN endure what she endured. I regretted making dad stick with us for the 5 hours. And as I’m putting Nn to bed… she said “Forget the bad. Remember the good. This was a good day.”

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